
Our Modules

Take a closer look at the modules included in the program. 

What’s included in our

OCN Level 6 Holistic Sleep Coaching Program

Evidence Based

Our program is backed by decades of robust research evidence from all sides of the sleep debate. 


Our approach is to consult with families in a way that is bespoke to their needs, taking into consideration the unique circumstances of each family unit. 


Module 1


The primary attachment figure and the attachment relationship that a child has will shape their lifelong experiences and chances. This module will guide you to feel confident in supporting attachment when working with families, in a multitude of circumstances.

Module 2

Introduction to Sleep & Family Centred Care

As holistic and family centred sleep coaches, it is important to understand the wider variables that can contribute to parental tiredness so that we can improve other factors as well as children’s sleep, in order to get the best outcomes for our families. There are many practical solutions to helping parents with their tiredness once we understand the causes.

Module 3

Sleep Biology

Humans spend one third of their lives asleep, and newborns spend up to 70% of their day asleep.  Despite the lack of consensus on the reasons why humans need sleep, one fact is certain – we feel terrible without it! In this module you will learn how our biology can impact how, when and why we sleep the way we do.

Module 4

Sleep Cycles Across
the Lifespan

Throughout the duration of sleep, the architecture changes, cycling through different stages of sleep. Different stages of sleep are associated with different features, and this module will dig deep into sleep theory and terminology to help you unpick sleep diaries for your clients. 

Module 5

Sleep Hygiene, Bedtime Routines, and the Optimal Sleep Environment

In this module we take you through why sleep hygiene can affect the quality and quantity of sleep for better or worse, and how bed time routines can be optimised.

Module 6

Sleep Strategies

Learn about how to consult with clients, from choosing and using sleep solutions, to communicating with the family appropriately to manage their expectations. In this module we lay bare all the existing research and show you why there is no evidence that controlled crying and cry it out methods work. 

Module 7

Child Temperament,
Development, Behaviour
and Parenting

Not all strategies for sleep will work with all children, and therefore being aware of each child’s personality will have an influence on the success of the sleep solution chosen.

Module 8

Feeding Problems,
Reflux, Colic and Wind

One of the challenges for families is the lack of consistent advice, or encountering conflicting advice about feeding. We know that feeding problems can be interlinked with sleep problems. In this module we look at when and how it is appropriate to refer parents for  support if you suspect a feeding issue.

Module 9

Food, Eating and Nutrition

Whether a child is exclusively breast or bottle fed with milk alone, or they are eating a varied solid family food diet, the emotional and psychological issues remain. It is very important to have a right relationship with food from as early as possible.

Module 10

Allergies and Intolerance

The human body will recognize millions of different of proteins every day, but not all of them are deemed to be a threat. But why are some people more allergic than others? And why is allergy become more common? And how does allergy and intolerance impact sleep?

Module 11


There are many conditions that affect sleep, either directly or indirectly. In this module you will learn how to to support holistic wellness for acute, chronic, inherited and acquired health conditions. 

Module 12

Anxiety and Sleep

One of the body’s natural coping mechanisms for dealing with anxiety is sleep. An anxious brain dealing with persistent stress is not very good at switching off and being relaxed enough to sleep. Learn the many ways in which sleep, wellbeing, and function can be affected by anxiety, and how you can help both children and adults alleviate their anxiety to improve sleep. 

Module 13

Sensory and Special Needs

At least 50% of children with special educational needs or disabilities (such as Down Syndrome, Autism, and global developmental delay) have sleep problems, so as a holistic sleep coach you will occasionally work with families who care for a child with a disability.  You will learn about these disabilities and how they impact sleep, as well as sleep strategies that can help children with sensory or special needs. 

Module 14

Race and Culture

As a holistic sleep coach, it is essential that you are aware of and have a deeper understanding of diverse traditions and perspectives on parenting, family life, and of course – sleep. These lessons will help learners unlock the secrets of cultural sensitivity in practice as you delve into the nuances of sleep traditions in different cultures, and promises to help you face your own unconscious bias in order to eradicate discrimination in your work. This part of the course is dedicated to not only broadening your understanding of the cultural differences in sleep but also equip you with the tools to navigate its cultural variations sensitively.

Module 15

Business and Marketing

The business world has evolved and we must adapt! This module will take you through all the ins and outs of working legally and responsibly as a sleep coach, how to price your products, and looking at the different strategies that can be used to ensure that you are seen as an authority figure, can be seen as likeable by your target market (e.g. parents) and therefore trusted.  

Bonus Module


This essential lesson will give you a comprehensive overview of how to become an active listener; culture, ethnicity, race and gender equality and diversity awareness; how to manage and reduce complaints; networking and develop efficient ways of working to communicate more effectively. 

Module 9

and Intolerance

  1. Allergies and sleep
  2. Lactose intolerance

Module 9

Child and Family Anxiety

  1. How does anxiety affect sleep?
  2. Which children are at risk for anxiety problems
  3. ​How do we help anxious children?
  4. ​Which adults are at risk for anxiety problems
  5. ​Simple strategies to recommend to help alleviate adult anxiety
holisticsleepcoachingprogram https://www.youtube.com/@HolisticSleepCoaching