
Lucy Howard

Hey! I’m Lucy from SNUG sleep, and I’m here to guide you and your family towards emotionally supportive SLEEP. I’m talking cosy, safe goodness whilst being realistic and responsive to your little ones.

A specialist in early childhood, with the highest level of qualification in this field, combined with over 12 years of experience working with families – I’m confident we can optimise sleep, waving goodbye to your overwhelm and exhaustion.

I’m here to support parents like you, so you can function at your best and really ENJOY parenting.

Level 6 Holistic Sleep Coach
Early Childhood Specialist
BA Primary Education

Areas Covered
Dorset and London

Website: www.snugsleepcoach.com
Email: lucy@snugsleepcoach.com
Instagram: www.instagram.com/snugsleepcoach


Wimborne Minster
Wimborne Minster
United Kingdom